Tuck Planche Push-Up

What muscles do Tuck Planche Push-Ups work?

A Tuck Planche Push-Up works primarily targets the Shoulders, Chest, Upper & Lower Back, Triceps, and your Core Abdominal muscles. Each of these muscle groups become engaged as you move through the full range of motion.  

How do you perform a Tuck Planche Push-Up?

  1. Begin with your hands on the floor or on 2 objects of equal height.
  2. Round your back, and slowly & carefully push yourself up off the ground.
  3. Compared to the frog stand, your legs should no longer be rested on your arms, and more of your weight should extend behind you.
  4. Keep legs tucked in under your abdomen.
  5. Hold in position.
  6. Inhale as you lower your body (only go as far down as your body mechanics will allow).
  7. Exhale as you press up and return to the starting point.
  8. Repeat for reps.

Number of Sets: 4
Reps per Set: 3-6
Rest Time: 1 minute

Strength Goal

  • Perform 3-6 Tuck Planche Push-Ups in a row.

How can I improve my Tuck Planche Push-Up?

Here are a few tips to improve your Tuck Planche Push-Up:

  1. Change the distance between your hands to change the difficulty level. A wider positioning of the hands will make the exercise more easy whereas a closer positioning will make it more difficult.  The closer the hands, the more the exercise will target just the Triceps which are a smaller muscle group than the Chest or Shoulders. However, make sure to not overextend the width of your hand placement, unless you are at an advanced level of fitness and can control your body in that position with small or medium effort.
  2. Supplemental exercises to perform include:
    1. Weighted Dips (you can perform this exercise with either a dumbbell placed between your legs or feet, or with a dip belt). I definitely recommend having a spotter the first few times you try this exercise until you get used to the movement.
    2. Deficit Push-Ups (you can perform these using parallettes or any 2 objects of equal height such as push-up stands).
    3. Decline Push-Ups (you can perform these with use of a bench or plyo box).
    4. Pike Push-Ups (you can perform these with just your bodyweight or with the push-up bars mentioned above, which will increase your range of motion).
    5. Weighted Push-Ups (these can be performed with having a partner place weight plates on your back if you’re at the gym, or with use of a weight vest or heavy duty backpack / ruck sack). Both are good options and usually last a long time.  I’ve have my weighted backpack for a solid 5 years now with no issues of wear and tear. 
    6. Swiss Ball Knee Tucks
    7. TRX Knee Tucks
    8. Hanging Knee Raises

Only I can change my life. No one else can do it for me.Carol Burnett

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