Handstand Push-Up Intermediate Guide

In our Handstand Push-Up Intermediate Guide, we will go over exercises that will help you learn and/or improve your Handstand as well as your Strict Handstand Push-Up. We’ll show you the training methods that we use which will help improve your hand balance capabilities and your comfort level when you are completely upside down. As you incorporate these techniques into your weekly workouts, your balance strength will increase and your mind-muscle connection will also improve. You’ll gain more confidence and increase your ability to control your body when you are balancing on your hands which will then translate to more efficient and effective HSPU training sessions.

Note: If you followed our Handstand Push-Up Beginner Guide and were able to hit the Strength Goal for each exercise, you should be strong enough to do a handstand push-up. Always use the Strength Goal for each exercise to gauge your progress within our HSPU program

Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.C.S. Lewis

Handstand Push-Up Intermediate Progression

Handstand Push-Up Intermediate Level 1 Training

Handstand Push-Up Intermediate Level 2 Training

Handstand Push-Up Intermediate Level 1 Training

— 4 Exercises to Help Improve Your Handstand —

Handstand Push-Up Intermediate Exercise
Bent Arm Pose
(knees tucked)

Muscles Targeted: Chest, Shoulders, Arms, Core Abdominal Muscles

  • From a standing position, squat down and place your hands on the ground about shoulder-width apart with the fingers spread wide.
  • Keep the hands and feet where they are but lift the hips up and away.
  • Bend the knees and lift the heels off the floor so just the balls of the feet are down.
  • Gently press the knees in to the backs of the triceps and begin to shift your weight into the fingertips, picking one foot at a time off the floor.
  • Bend the elbows if necessary for balance.
  • The goal is to straighten the elbows and hold body in position. 

Number of Sets: 4
Hold Time per Set: 30-60 seconds
Rest Time: 1 minute

Quick Tip:

1) Make sure the floor is not slippery where you are exercising.  You can also use a floor mat to give you more traction or a yoga block to rest your head or feet on until you get more comfortable lifting both feet off of the ground.
2) If doing this for the first time, have a partner assist you getting into position.
3) If you maintain your gaze just between the hands throughout the movement, it will help you to stay balanced.

Strength Goal:

  • Be able to hold a Bent Arm Pose (knees tucked) for at least 30-60 seconds.

Handstand Push-Up Intermediate Exercise
Tripod Headstand

Muscles Targeted: Shoulders, Core Abdominal Muscles

  • Start by placing the top of your head on your mat or padded floor.
  • Place hands about shoulder-width apart and bend elbows at 90 degrees
  • Bring your bottom up slowly, so your seat is directly above your head and your toes are the only part of your lower body still touching the mat.
  • Lift both legs up into the air, making sure to tuck in your abs and keep your pelvic bone drawn towards your sternum.

Number of Sets: 4
Hold Time per Set: 30-60 seconds
Rest Time: 1-2 minutes

Quick Tip:

1) Don’t forget to breathe. Being upside down will affect your body’s normal equilibrium, so remind yourself to continue to breath in a controlled manner.
2) Use a wall or a friend as your support when you are first attempting this exercise until you get more comfortable.

Strength Goal:

  • Be able to hold a Tripod Headstand Pose for at least 30-60 seconds.

Handstand Push-Up Intermediate Exercise
Handstand Kick Up Againist Wall

Muscles Targeted: Shoulders, Arms, Core Abdominal Muscles

  • Place both hands on the floor at shoulder-width apart.
  • Kick up into a handstand, with your heels touching the wall.
  • Use your arms to keep your body balanced once upside down. 
  • Keep your whole body as straight as possible.
  • Hold for the set duration of time and return to the starting point.

Number of Sets: 4
Hold Time per Set: 15, 30, 45, 60 seconds
Rest Time: 1-2 minutes

Quick Tip:

1) [Shown Above] I am on an elevated surface because I was doing sets of HSPUs and it gives me a greater range of motion. Parallettes or push up bars work great as substitutes

Strength Goal:

  • Perform a Handstand Kick Up and be able to hold a handstand for at least 30-60 seconds.

Handstand Push-Up Intermediate Exercise
Handstand Walks

Muscles Targeted: Full Body Exercise

  • Get into a Basic Push-Up position with feet pressed against the wall.
  • Keep core muscles engaged and walk your hands and feet up the wall until you are in a handstand position.
  • Maintaining control, begin walking your hands out in front of you while simultaneously walking down the wall until you reach the start position.
  • All the way up and then all the way down = 1 Rep.

Number of Sets: 1-3
Reps per Set: 1-3
Rest Time: 1-2 minutes

Quick Tip:

1) Walk as far up the wall as your body mechanics will allow. Increase the height of your wall climb as you get better.
2) [Shown Above] I was performing a basic push-up at the bottom and a HSPU at the top but you don’t have to start there. You can always add those extra  components in later as you get stronger. 

Strength Goal:

  • Be able to do at least 2-3 Handstand Walks in a row without rest in between.

Handstand Push-Up Intermediate Level 2 Training

— How To Develop a Strict Handstand Push-Up —

Handstand Push-Up Intermediate Exercise
Dive Bomber Push-Up

Muscles Targeted: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps

  • Place hands & feet about shoulder-width apart on floor.
  • Push your hips up as high as possible so that you resemble an inverted V.
  • Keep your back flat with your arms and legs straight but knees unlocked. 
  • This is your start position.
  • As you lower your hips, keep your legs straight but allow your arms to bend as you push forward so that your chest nearly grazes the floor like a dive bomber.
  • Press back through your hands to full arm extension.
  • Curve your back and extend your arms without locking out; your face should be looking forward the top. Hold for a count and reverse direction, pushing your hips up so that you’re back in an inverted V.
  • Repeat for reps.

Number of Sets: 4
Reps per Set: 4, 6, 8, 10
Rest Time: 1 minute

Quick Tip:

1) Imagine a target in between your hands. As you lower towards the ground, aim to place your nose on that target.
2) Flare your elbows out to either side as you lower your body. This part of the movement is what distinguishes the Dive Bomber push-up from the Hindu/Yoga push-up, in which you keep your elbows flat along your side.
3) [Shown Above] My hands were on an elevated surface to give me a greater range of motion.  But you don’t have to start there. Start on a flat surface until your progression improves.

Strength Goal:

  • Be able to do at least 8-10 Dive Bomber Push-Ups in a row.

Handstand Push-Up Intermediate Exercise
90 Degree Push-Up

Muscles Targeted: Shoulder, Triceps, Core Abdominal Muscles

  • Place both hands on the floor at shoulder-width apart.
  • Lift both feet onto elevated surface and raise the hips to form a 90 degree angle. 
  • Keep your upper body and legs as straight as possible throughout the movement.
  • Lower yourself to the ground as you inhale until your head gently touches the floor.
  • Push yourself back up as you exhale until your elbows are nearly locked. 
  • Repeat for reps.

Number of Sets: 4
Reps per Set: 8-10
Rest Time: 1-2 minutes

Quick Tip:

1) If doing this for the first time, have a spotter assist you. 
2) You can change the height of the box/bench which will then change the exercise difficulty.
3) [Shown Above] I am performing the exercise on an elevated surface.  Start with the hands on the floor until you get more comfortable with the exercise.

Strength Goal:

  • Be able to do at least 8-10 90 Degree Push-Ups in a row.

Handstand Push-Up Intermediate Exercise
Headstand Handstand Push-Up

Muscles Targeted: SHOULDERS

  • Place both hands on the floor at shoulder-width apart.
  • Rest head on ground and raise your legs up against the wall using your arms to keep your body balanced once upside down. 
  • Keep your whole body as straight as possible.
  • Push yourself up slowly as you exhale until your elbows are nearly locked. 
  • Slowly lower yourself to the ground as you inhale until your head gently touches the floor.
  • Repeat for reps.

Number of Sets: 4
Reps per Set: 8-10
Rest Time: 1-2 minutes

Quick Tip:

1) Hand Placement: Hands should be placed touching the wall and make sure your palms are facing forward or slightly turned out. If this is too difficult, start with the hands back ~6-12 inches from the wall.
2) Make sure the floor is not slippery where you are exercising.  You can also use a floor mat or pad to help protect your head at the bottom of the exercise.

Strength Goal:

  • Be able to perform 10 Headstand Handstand Push-Ups in a row.

Handstand Push-Up Intermediate Exercise
Strict Handstand Push-Up

Muscles Targeted: Shoulders, Arms, Core Abdominal Muscles

  • Place both hands on the floor at shoulder-width apart.
  • Kick up into a handstand, with your heels touching the wall.
  • Use your arms to keep your body balanced once upside down. 
  • Keep your whole body as straight as possible.
  • While maintaining this position, lower yourself until the top of your head gently touches the floor.
  • Once your head touches the floor, press up while keeping the core muscles engaged until your elbows reach full extension.

Number of Sets: 4
Reps per Set: 8-10
Rest Time: 1-2 minutes

Quick Tip:

1) If doing this for the first time, have a spotter help you. 
2) Hand Placement: Hands should be placed about 6-12 inches away from the wall and make sure your palms are facing forward, or turned out ~5-10 degrees. 
3) [Shown Above] I am on an elevated surface because I was doing sets of HSPUs and it gives me a greater range of motion.  For the purposes of doing just a Handstand Kick Up, start on the floor and make sure the floor is not slippery where you are exercising.  

Strength Goal:

  • Be able to perform 10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups in a row.